Bilimsel Yayınlar


Şalcıoğlu, E. (2022). Bilişsel ve davranışçı terapilerde vaka formülasyonu ve terapi planlama: Klinik davranış analizi yaklaşımı. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.

Başoğlu M, Şalcıoğlu E. (2011) A mental healthcare model for mass trauma survivors: Control-focused behavioral treatment of earthquake, war, and torture trauma. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Uluslararası Makaleler (SSCI / SCI)

Kuzgun, T.B., & Şalcıoğlu, E. Travma Sonrası Utanç Ölçeğinin Cinsel Travma Yaşantısı Olan Kadın Örnekleminde Türkçe Psikometrik Özellikleri. Bilişsel Davranışçı Psikoterapi Araştırmalar Dergisi (in press).

Cankardaş, S., & Şalcıoǧlu, E. Turkish Adaptation Study of the State Anger Scale in a Traumatized Sample. Current Approaches in Psychiatry (Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar), 13, 375-387 (2021).

Şalcıoğlu, E., Özden, Ş., & Arı, F. The role of relocation patterns and psychosocial stressors in PTSD and Depression among Earthquake Survivors. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. In Press.

Şalcıoğlu, E., Urhan, S., Pirinççioğlu, T., & Aydın, Ş. (2017) Anticipatory fear and helplessness predict PTSD and depression in domestic violence survivors. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, & Policy, 9, 117-125.

Letica-Crepulja, M, Şalcıoğlu E, Frančišković T, Basoglu M. (2011) Factors associated with posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in war-survivors displaced in Croatia. Croatian Medical Journal, 52 (6), 709-717.

Rosendal S, Şalcıoğlu E, Andersen HS, Mortensen EL. (2011) Exposure characteristics and peri-trauma emotional reactions during 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia: What predicts posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms? Comprehensive Psychiatry, 52, 630-637.

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M. (2010) Control focused behavioral treatment of earthquake survivors using live exposure to conditioned and simulated unconditioned stimuli. CyberPsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 13, 13-19.

Başoğlu M, Şalcıoğlu E, Livanou M. (2009) Single case experimental studies of a self-help manual for traumatic stress in earthquake survivors. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 40, 50-58.

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M. (2008) Psychological effects of earthquakes on children: Prospects for brief behavioral treatment. World Journal of Pediatrics, 4, 165-172. [Invited article]

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M, Livanou M. (2008) Psychosocial determinants of relocation in survivors of the 1999 earthquake in Turkey. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196, 55-61.

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M, Livanou M. (2007) Effects of live exposure on symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder: The role of reduced behavioral avoidance in improvement. Behavior Research and Therapy, 45, 2268-2279.

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M, Livanou M. (2007) Post-traumatic stress disorder and comorbid depression among survivors of the 1999 earthquake in Turkey, Disasters, 31, 115-129.

Başoğlu M, Şalcıoğlu E, Livanou M. (2007) A randomized controlled study of single-session behavioral treatment of earthquake-related posttraumatic stress using an earthquake simulator. Psychological Medicine, 37, 203-214.

Başoğlu M, Şalcıoğlu E, Livanou M, Kalender D, Acar G (2005) Single-session behavioral treatment of earthquake-related posttraumatic stress disorder: A randomized waiting list controlled trial. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 18, 1-11.

Başoğlu M, Kılıç C, Şalcıoğlu E, Livanou M. (2004) Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder and comorbid depression in earthquake survivors in Turkey: An epidemiological study. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 17, 133-141.

Başoğlu M, Livanou M, Şalcıoğlu E. (2003) A single-session with an earthquake simulator for traumatic stress in earthquake survivors. American Journal of Psychiatry160, 788-790.

Başoğlu M, Livanou M, Şalcıoğlu E, Kalender D. (2003) A brief behavioral treatment of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder in earthquake survivors: Results from an open clinical trial. Psychological Medicine, 33, 647-654

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M, Livanou M. (2003) Long-term psychological outcome in non-treatment-seeking earthquake survivors in Turkey. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 191, 154-160

Livanou M, Başoğlu M, Şalcıoğlu E, Kalender D. (2002) Traumatic stress responses in treatment-seeking earthquake survivors in Turkey. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 190, 816-823.

Başoğlu M, Şalcıoğlu E, Livanou M. (2002) Traumatic stress responses in earthquake survivors in Turkey. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 15, 269-276.

Başoğlu M, Şalcıoğlu E, Livanou M, et al. (2001) A study of the validity of a screening instrument for traumatic stress in earthquake survivors. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 14, 491-509.

Uluslararası Kitaplarda Bölümler

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M. Domestic violence versus torture – A comparative study. In M Basoglu (Ed), Torture And Its Definition In International Law: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Oxford University Press. In Press.

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M. (2013). Current State of the Art in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In F Durbano (Ed), New Insights into Anxiety Disorders. Rijeka: InTech, 379-406.

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M. (2009) Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. In JH Stone, M Blouin (Eds), International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation. Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange (CIRRIE) & L’Institut de Réadaptation en Déficience physique de Québec. Available online at

Başoğlu M, Şalcıoğlu E, Livanou M. (2009) Advances in our understanding of earthquake trauma and its treatment – A self-help model of mental health care for survivors. In Y Neria, S Galea, F Norris (Eds), Mental Health and Disasters. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 396-418. (invited, peer-reviewed chapter).

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M. (2007) Brief behavioral treatments of earthquake survivors. In U Niaz (Ed.), Pakistan Earthquake 2005-The Day the Mountains Moved: International Perspectives on Handling Psycho-Trauma. SAMA Editorial and Publishing Services, pp 200-220.

Ulusal Dergilerde Makaleler

Şalcıoğlu, E. (2017) Travma Odaklı Terapilerin Teorik Temelleri, Klinik Uygulamaları ve Bilimsel Destekleri. Türkiye Klinikleri, 2(3), 205-217.

Şalcıoğlu E. (2003). Psikiyatrik Sorunlarda Davranışçı Yaklaşım: Kuramlar ve Kuramlara Göre Tedavi Uygulamaları. 3P – Psikiyatri, Psikoloji ve Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi, 11(2), 19-29.

Şalcıoğlu E. (2001) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Empirical findings [In Turkish: Travma sonrası stres bozukluğu: Ampirik bulgular,]. In T Aker, ME Önder (Eds.), Psychological Trauma and its ConsequencesIstanbul: 5US yayinlari (pp 65-77)

Konferans Tebliğleri

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M. (2011) What Works Best in Cognitive Behavioral Treatment? A Meta-Analysis of Therapeutic Ingredients of Treatment Protocols for PTSD. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 2 Suppl 1:S113-114.

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M. (2011) Control-Focused Behavioural Treatment of Female War Survivors with Torture and Gang Rape Experience: Four Case Studies. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 2 Suppl 1:S192.

Şalcıoğlu E. (2006) Cognitive Effects of Earthquakes in Turkey: The Relationship between Lack of Redress for Trauma and Posttrauma Psychopathology. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 2, Suppl 1: S232.

Konferans Sunumları

Şalcıoğlu, E., Başoğlu, M. ‘Behavioural Treatment of Traumatized Refugees: Results from an Outcome Evaluation Study.’ 46th European Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies Congress, Stockholm:, Sweeden: August 31-September 3, 2016

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M. Behavioral Treatment of Traumatized Refugees: Results from an Outcome Evaluation Study. Oral presentation, XIV Conference of European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Vilnius, Lithuania: June 10-13, 2015.

Şalcıoğlu, E. Mechanisms of Efficacy of Trauma-Focused Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies. Invited Lecture, 8. Üniversiteler Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey: April 9-10, 2015.

Şalcıoğlu, E. Control-Focused Behavioral Treatment of Mass Trauma Survivors: Theory, Practice, and Evidence for Efficacy. Invited Workshop, 8. Üniversiteler Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Sempozyumu. Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey: April 9-10, 2015.

Şalcıoğlu E. Culture specific issues in application of cognitive and behavioral therapies. Workshop, 3rd National Congress of the Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies, Istanbul, Turkey: November 14-17, 2011.

Başoğlu M, Şalcıoğlu E. Recent advances in brief treatment of mass trauma survivors: A resilience-building self-help model of survivor care. Invited Workshop, United Nations Staff and Stress Counsellors Special Interest Group (SSCG) 12th Annual meeting, Istanbul, Turkey: October 11-14, 2011.

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M. A dismantling meta-analysis of cognitive behavioural interventions for posttraumatic stress disorder. Oral Presentation, 12th European Conference of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey: July 4-8, 2011.

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M. What works best in cognitive behavioral treatment? A meta-analysis of therapeutic ingredients of treatment protocols for PTSD. Oral Presentation, 12th European Conference of Traumatic Stress, Vienna, Austria: June 2-5, 2011.

Şalcıoğlu E, Başoğlu M. Control-Focused Behavioural Treatment of female war survivors with torture and rape experience: Four case studies. Case Study Presentation, 12th European Conference of Traumatic Stress, Vienna, Austria: June 2-5, 2011.

Şalcıoğlu E. Mental health consequences of earthquakes and their effective treatment: A Control-Focused Behavioural Treatment approach. Invited Lecture, II Thematic Conference of the Italian Society for Psychosocial Rehabilitation, L’Aquila, Italy: September 16-18, 2010.

Şalcıoğlu E. Cognitive effects of earthquakes in Turkey – The relationship between lack of redress for trauma and posttrauma psychopathology. Oral presentation, World Psychiatric Association International Congress (pp 232), Istanbul, Turkey: July 12-16 2006.

Şalcıoğlu E. Psychological responses to earthquakes in Turkey – Development of a psychological treatment model. Symposium chaired at XIII. National Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey: September 7-11 2004.

Şalcıoğlu E. Development of a psychological treatment model for survivors of earthquake. Oral presentation at the symposium ‘Psychological responses to earthquakes in Turkey – Development of a psychological treatment model’.  XIII. National Congress of Psychology (pp 82), Istanbul, Turkey: September 7-11 2004.

Acar G, Şalcıoğlu E, Kalender D, Başoğlu M. Behavioral treatment of prolonged grief and posttraumatic stress disorder in earthquake survivors. Poster presentation, 39th National Psychiatric Congress (pp 266-270). Antalya, Turkey: 14-19 October 2003.

The effect of beliefs, attribution of responsibility, redress and compensation on posttraumatic stress disorder in earthquake survivors in Turkey. Oral Presentation at the symposium ‘Social Change in Turkey’ chaired by Gündüz Vassaf. 1st Postgraduate Conference, Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey: 10-11 September 2003.

Şalcıoğlu E. Cognitive behavioral treatment modalities for posttraumatic stress disorder. Oral Presentation at the symposium ‘Cognitive behavioral treatment with difficult cases’ chaired by Prof.  Mehmet Z. Sungur. Spring Symposia – VII (pp 49), Antalya, Turkey: 23-27 April 2003.

Şalcıoğlu E. The effectiveness of brief behavioral treatment in earthquake survivors. Invited Lecture, Psychological Trauma MeetingsI, Izmit, Turkey: 27-28 September 2002.

Şalcıoğlu E. Cognitive theories of posttraumatic stress disorder. Invited Lecture, Psychological Trauma MeetingsI, Izmit, Turkey: 27-28 September 2002

The effectiveness of a single session behavioral treatment in the treatment of PTSD: preliminary findings from a controlled clinical trial. Oral Presentation at the symposium ‘Earthquakes in Turkey: 1999-2002’ chaired by A. Tamer Aker. Spring Symposia – VI (pp 47), Antalya, Turkey: 24-28 April 2002.

Başoğlu M, Şalcıoğlu E, Livanou M, Kılıç C. Psychological responses to earthquakes in Turkey: Assessment and Treatment. Oral Presentation at the symposium chaired by Metin Başoğlu. 31st Annual Conference of the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (pp 52), Istanbul, Turkey: 11-15 September 2001.

Başoğlu M, Livanou M, Şalcıoğlu E, Kılıç C. Psychological responses to earthquakes in Turkey: Assessment and Treatment. Oral Presentation at the symposium chaired by Metin Başoğlu. 7th European Conference on Traumatic Stress (proceedings SY5), Edinburgh, Scotland: 26-29 May 2001.

Şalcıoğlu E. Development of a screening instrument for traumatic stress in earthquake survivors. Oral Presentation at the symposium ‘Psychological Responses to Earthquakes in Turkey: Assessment and Treatment’ chaired by Metin Başoğlu. Spring Symposia – V (proceedings pp 21), Antalya, Turkey: 24-29 April 2001.

Başoğlu M, Kılıç C, Kalender D, Aksoy A, Sorgun E, Erken S, Şalcıoğlu E. Behavioral group psychotherapy of traumatic stress in earthquake survivors: preliminary findings. Oral presentation. 36th National Psychiatric Congress (pp 75). Antalya, Turkey: 3-7 October 2000.

Başoğlu M, Kılıç C, Erken S, Şalcıoğlu E. Psyhcological effects of earthquakes: an epidemiological study. Oral presentation. 36th National Psychiatric Congress. Antalya, 3-7 October 2000.

Kılıç C, Şalcıoğlu E. Psychological Consequences of the 1999 Earthquake in Turkey: the ICBRT Experience. Presented at the symposium presentation ‘Earthquake and Trauma’ chaired by Prof. Orhan Öztürk. Spring Symposia – IV, Antalya, Turkey: 26-30 April 2000.